b'CHARITY AND COMMUNITY ADVOCACYGIVING TOGETHER ACTING TOGETHERSCP Health believes in supporting ourSCP Health advocacy efforts are significant, coordinated, communities through actions such asand require long-term investment. We believe solutions serving indigent patients, advocating formust balance the concerns of patients, clinicians, and2021 ADVOCACYcharitable giving, and contributing topayors. BY THE NUMBERS:community outreach. As the safety net of health care, part of our mission is toThrough collaborations with organizations across the empower clinicians and revitalize healthindustry, including ACEP, EDPMA, FEMPA, MedLA, MAG, and care.Over the last five years we coveredTEMPA, we continue to promote workable solutions guided29 STATEover $100M+ in charity and indigent care.by our position of:LEGISLATURESThis year, we focused our charitable giving efforts on: Protecting patients and the safety net116 REGULATORYAGENCIES Hospital FoundationsAddressing scope of practice issuesHospitals and Treatment CentersAdvancing Telehealth delivery58 LICENSINGBOARDS Research SocietiesImproving additional COVID-19 flexibilitiesMedical Professional Associations Supporting interstate physician licensures 7 FEDERAL COMMITTEESOF JURISDICTION24 25SCP HEALTH 2021 ANNUAL REVIEW TOGETHER, WE HEAL'