b'Patient #2: 65-year-old femaleA 65-year-old female presents with weakness and fatigue for the pastthree weeks. She has a medical history of hypertension, hypothyroidismand other minor conditions, and takes four medications routinely.She came to the emergency department because she was concernedabout the duration of her symptoms and was unable to get anappointment with her primary care doctor. What happened in the ED and afterward:Clinicians conducted a thorough evaluation (history, physical exam, tests) which showed no emergent condition, but did show mild abnormalities on laboratory tests. The emergency physician adjusted one of her medications, recommended close follow-up with her primary care physician, and repeat lab tests within a week for ongoing monitoring. Unfortunately, her insurance denied payment for the labs, and she had difficulty adjusting her medications. Her doctor couldnt see her for another month. She returns to the ED 10 days later feeling worse. What this visit reveals about the health of the health care system:This is a common scenario. The patient needed primary care attention but could not access even her own physician in a timely manner, so she presented to the emergency department, which is available 24/7 without an appointment. The ED physicianas requiredevaluated her for the presence or absence of an emergency medical condition. Finding none, the ED physician was able to discharge her home with some adjustments and reassurance, but with clear needs for timely follow-up. This patient is in The Gap. The ED physician acted appropriately. However, the patient was discharged into the same system that led her to come to the ED in the first place: a system where she still has trouble accessing primary care. In this case, the referral for repeat labs in a week was also denied. Eventually, her health care condition will be addressed, but she needs Care in the Gap. She needs assistance accessing her primary care physician, and needs near-term coaching and low acuity follow-up. If the Care Gap is not bridged, she may return to the emergency department again, and repeat the cycle, or eventually, require an otherwise avoidable hospitalization.Together, we healTogether, we heal 134Together, we heal SCP HEALTHIFROM INSIGHTS TO INTERVENTIONS'