b'The data shows that for key clinical conditions there is, in essence, a 710-day window of high risk for patients who were subsequently hospitalized or returned to the ED. As we know from clinical and practical experience, this is the very time frame where patients are not yet fully improved, and need to get their prescription filled, take medications differently, follow their new care plan, and obtain a follow-up appointment. This is the very time where patients are most vulnerableand 50% of those repeat events occur in this window. The Cost of Post-Acute Admissions and Repeat ED VisitAfter identifying the frequency and timing of admissions and repeat ED visits in the 30 days after an initial ED visit, we worked with selected payors to identify the cost of those events. Actual costs will differ by payor. A representative cost profile is indicated in FIGURE B.Figure B:ESTIMATED COST DUE TO REPEAT ED VISITS AND HOSPITALIZATIONSFOR MODERATELY COMPLEX PATIENTS DISCHARGED FROM THE ED= Estimated Cost$1,600,000$1,400,000ESTIMATED COST$1,200,000$1,100,000 50% of total cost happens within 8.5 days$800,000$400,000$200,000$100,0001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30DAYS AFTER DISCHARGED HOMEThe intuitions and experience of ED physicians related to shortcomings in care within the communityis supported by the data. There is a golden window in the immediate post-acute time frame.Fifty percent of the key post-acute cost events occur in the first 7.5-10 days after an initial ED visitfor key conditions, and these events drive substantial cost in the 30-day post-acute period. Many of these events are avoidable.Knowing when and where these episodes and costs occur informs prioritization, timing, and intensity of intervention. Not all these events are preventable; some are necessary for appropriate patient care. In fact, some ED visits are valuable and necessary because the patient is stabilized again, at about a tenth of the cost of another hospitalization. In general, however, preventing hospitalizations and repeat ED visits is satisfying to patients, improves performance in value-based models of care, and promotes better outcomes.Together, we healTogether, we heal 10Together, we heal SCP HEALTHIFROM INSIGHTS TO INTERVENTIONS'