b'Interdisciplinary Partnership Case StudyAt a 38-bed Intensive Care Unit, this new interdisciplinary paradigm:Established a joint Critical Care Operations Committee, improving communication and partnership between allstakeholders,andofferingaclearavenueforcollaborationbetweenpatientcaredepartments.Created and implemented standardized Spontaneous Awakening and Breathing Protocols on all mechanicallyventilated patients, including education and bedside training of ICU nursing and respiratory care teams. Improved collaboration between the ED clinicians and nursing teams such that all ICU admission requests wereseenwithin30minutesofnotification,allowingforassessmentofICUadmissionappropriateness,andensuring theEDteamwassupportedwithclinicalguidanceandICU-specificordersetimplementation.Results:90-Day Impact 180-Day Impact Lives Saved:41Lives Saved:99 Mortality 1.54 Mortality 1.54 reduced byday decrease inreduced byday decrease in 7.4% average ICU days 9.5% average ICU days2.09 2.41 2.1 2.15day decrease indecrease in averageday decrease indecrease in average average vent days inpatient days average vent days inpatient days2.5 hour(50% reduction)decrease in emergency department ICU hold timesTogether, we healTogether, we heal 7Together, we heal SCP HEALTHIBRINGING THE C-SUITE TO THE BEDSIDE IN CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE'